A Shakespeare Swag Wish List

I am a Shakespeare nut but I’m also cheap. So I don’t own a lot of Shakespeare swag. I’ve owned exactly one Shakespeare t-shirt (bought in Stratford-Upon-Avon, thank you very much), one Shakespeare mug (bought at the Belasco Theater in NYC), and one Shakespeare teapot (bought in London, if I remember right). I don’t ask for much but I do still covet some Shakespeare stuff. Here is a short, six-item list:


  1. A print of “All the World’s a Stage” by James Christensen, a limited edition lithograph of the lead characters in the bard’s plays.
  2. A Double, Double, Toil and Trouble mug (above). We own way, way too many mugs in my household but this I would find room for.
  3. Lego Shakespeare. He’s far too expensive but he’s cute, right?
  4. Bard’s Cards. There are many, many Shakespeare-themed greeting cards to choose from but these are my favorite.
  5. 2018 Shakespeare Wall Calendar. It’s not available yet but I like to plan ahead.
  6. A Shakespeare cookie cutter. I don’t bake a lot of cookies. Okay, I never bake cookies. But I would make an exception if I had this. Shakespeare cookies would go great on my book table, right?

Hey, my daughter complained around my last birthday because she said my Amazon wish list was no help at all to her in planning for my birthday. So I’m heading there right now to make sure these are on my list.


About writerhoss

I am a writer from southwestern Ohio, and a frequent speaker at churches, conferences, and retreats. My books include The Bard and the Bible (A Shakespeare Devotional).
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3 Responses to A Shakespeare Swag Wish List

  1. What address should we send these gifts to?


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